Jess Wilder
12 Feb 2023
Remember, there's nothing your pets would enjoy more than your company.
When it comes to pets, you ought to be as careful as you are with your own kids. You simply cannot afford to take any risk or give them anything that poses a potential health hazard. That's why we recommend using natural dog toys for your pets and giving them what they love.
There are a number of great natural dog toys to choose from, many of which you can make yourself at home! But, if you are running out of time, you can check out the natural dog toys manufactured by Scoobypaws and order one instantly.
Nevertheless, here are some ideas for making natural dog toys at home:
1. One great option is to make a simple, easy-to-grab puzzle toy out of rice or beans. Simply fill a small container with rice or beans, shape it into a puzzle, and fasten it together with some kibble as the pieces. Your dog will have hours of fun trying to figure out how to get to the treats inside!
2. Another simple toy is to make a giant puzzle out of cut-up fruit, shredded fabric, or some other soft material. Fill a large bowl or container with pieces of fruit, fabric, or other soft material. Give your dog a small spoon to scoop up the puzzle pieces, and he or she will have hours of fun playing games with you to put the pieces back together.
3. If you have a garden, there are endless possibilities for natural dog toys. For example, you could make a toy box out of wooden decorations or scrap wood, or build a simple ball out of large pieces of dried beans or rice.
Whatever natural toy you choose, be sure to give your dog lots of individual attention and playtime to keep them amused and healthy. Remember, there's nothing they would enjoy more than your company.